Many people go to camping and enjoy it, but still there are people who have never tried. When done in the right way with all the right equipment and knowledge about camping, you can have a lot of fun and spend great moments.
Basic Tips for Camping in mountains
First, we find a place to camp. Do it in a place that has good references and comments. If you have an idea of the place you want to go, always look for a safe place to camp. Investigate the rules of the campsite. Find the perfect place for you. No matter the place you choose, you need to find a place that has good land to pitch your tent. It is advisable to have a waterproof tent and preferably not very high, so the heat will be maintained.
Ensure that your tent is ideal for camping. A good tent should have at least one window, and enough space for all people who go to sleep in it, and also to store their things. In the market you can find variety of high mountain tents, you can choose a good tent with one or two doors, make sure the locks are always closed. Check you have good quality stakes to assemble it and also a tool like a hammer, or you can use a good-sized stone to bury them. Before you pitch your tent, you should know how to do it, so you could practice in your garden.
When Sleeping
Organize where you go to sleep and get ready. Regardless of whether you sleep in sleeping bags or inflatable mattress, make sure you have something. When you already have armed the tent, you should try to accommodate all the sleeping bags to verify you have enough space. If you go to sleep on inflatable mattress, check that you have a pump to inflate it and equipment to repair it if is damaged. Remember to take coats, gloves, hats, scarves and socks. These allow you to protect from the low temperatures at bedtime.
Find a good place to cook. Buy a good kitchen for camping. If you have gas, remember to take a gas cylinder replacement. Bring all your kitchen equipment, like light skillet, containers for food, cutlery and of course food. You can get water from the campgrounds because almost everyone has water reserves. Organizes the place to eat. Put the kitchen always outside the tent, since it is highly flammable and can cause a fire. Remember other basic tools like can openers, napkins, a tablecloth to place food and anything else you might need.
Additional items
A very important advice: always carry a first aid kit with drugs and surgical dressing, without forgetting sunscreen, toilet paper, wet towels and insect repellent. You can have a bag with toiletries such as soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, towels and other cosmetic item you want to carry. Empty water bottles to fill are extremely important, and of course, do not forget your camera!
Pack enough clothes for the amount of time you'll be camping. Everything depends of the weather of the place you're going, if is very hot always wear light clothing, a change per day is fine. If it is colder, wear coats, long-sleeved clothes and boots. Do not forget to bring enough underwear and thick socks. Bring something to sleep confortable and warm at night, like thick pajamas, because it can get cold at night, even if you go in summer. Remember that cold can ruin your camping time.
Camping is to enjoy nature and all it has to do with it. So get out and breathe fresh air while you're doing something fun. Take a walk or scale to see something of the landscape and get away from everything. There are many things to do wherever you go. At night, lie on the floor to admire the stars for a while. You can also make a campfire and be around to tell stories. If you decide to make a fire, make sure you know beforehand how you do it safely. Also check if the camping area allows campfires and follow the instructions if it does not.
Be respectful
The camping experience is for everyone, so do not ruin it for anyone. If you play music, try to be at acceptable levels without disturbing anyone and turn it off when it starts getting late, clean your trash and leave everything in order. If you bring pets, always keep them close to you and clean up his mess, and above all, respect the rules of the place and it will be an excellent adventure for everyone!